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Exploring the Timeless Traditions and Joyous Celebrations of Jewish Weddings

Traditions and Joyous Celebrations of Jewish Weddings

Jewish marriage

If weddings are traditional ceremonies, with exciting and meaningful rituals, Jewish weddings are even more symbolic, with metaphors that allude to the Old Testament of the Bible. Many grooms - who are not Jews - choose to adhere to some tradition, to make some sense to the couple. It was with this in mind that we prepared this article with the main rituals of this very special celebration, including the before, during and after the ceremony. Check out.

Before the wedding

In the week before the wedding, the bride and groom are not supposed to see each other and, on the day of the celebration, they are considered as king and queen. On the wedding day, the bride and groom fast from sunrise to the end of the ceremony. This is because for the Jews this is a sacred moment to purify their bodies and souls with acts of kindness, prayers and deep spiritual reflection.

According to Jewish beliefs, with this ritual all sins are forgiven so that the couple can start a life together. Before the wedding, the bride gives the groom a tallit, which is a prayer shawl. While he offers her a pair of candlesticks. The bride's dress, as in other wedding ceremonies, must be white, representing purity. The groom, in turn, must be the white kitel over the suit.

Jewish wedding traditions

During the Wedding

The ceremony is held in chuppah, a tent style that represents the new home that the bride and groom will build together, as a protection that makes reference to God's blessing and conjugal harmony.

The wedding is celebrated by a rabbi, leader of the religion. During marriage, all men must wear the kippah (the little Jewish hat), which represents that God is above all.

At the Jewish ceremony, the groom enters first, accompanied by his parents. That's because the Old Testament records that God appeared on the mountain and waited for the people of Israel

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